Get ready to transform your indoor space into a thriving garden with expert tips on lighting, watering, and pest control—let’s grow together

Hey there, graden pails! I’m Matt, your trusty guide to the green indoors. Today, we’re jumping headfirst into the wonderful world of indoor gardening. Whether you’re just sprouting as a gardener or already have a green thumb, growing plants indoors is a game-changer.

In this course, we’ll cover all the juicy essentials: Lighting tips to make your plants shine, watering and humidity hacks to keep them happy, and yes—pest and disease control, because even indoor plants sometimes have uninvited guests. Plus, I’ll share my favorite techniques to help you design an indoor garden space that’s both functional and fabulous.

Don’t worry, we’re taking it step by step—so by the end, you’ll be growing like a pro. Let’s dig in!